In case you've missed it - the PEAR book hit the streets! The exact title is "PHP Programming with PEAR" and it's co-written by Stephan Schmidt, Carsten Lucke, Aaron Wormus and yours truly. Aaron also put up a Wiki for book and PEAR-related updates, it's at
I tried to put up a list of the packages and classes covered in the book, I've probably missed some classes, especially Date_* and Calendar_* ones, but I hope I got all the packages. Here goes (alphabetically) :
- Calendar
- Date
- Date_Holidays
- Date_Span
- Date_Timezone
- File_PDF
- HTML_Table
- HTML_Table_Matrix
- HTTP_Request
- MDB2
- MDB2_Schema
- Services_AmazonESC4
- Services_Ebay
- Services_Google
- Services_Technorati
- Services_Webservice
- Services_Yahoo_Search
- Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer
- Structures_DataGrid
- Structures_DataGrid_Column
- Structures_DataGrid_DataSource
- XML_Beautifier (mention)
- XML_FastCreate
- XML_Parser
- XML_RPC_Client
- XML_RPC_Message
- XML_RPC_Response
- XML_RPC_Server
- XML_RPC_Value
- XML_Serializer
- XML_Util
For more info on a package, you can consult the PEAR site and manual. Did you know that you can access a package's page by typing its name (case insensitive) in the URL after, like for example?
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