Here's a JavaScript that let's you style an iframe just like its top parent. The script is basically just a proof of concept I did after talking to a friend about similar problem he has had in the past, so feel free to modify and use if you like it.
So I have a page, called big.html and a stylesheet for this page, called big.css. On the page there is an iframe that loads small.html. small.html has its own style, called small.css. What my little Javascript function does is:
- Getting all top parent's
tags - Looping through the tags and checking if the
attribute has valuestylesheet
- For all stylesheets found, makes a copy of the link tag and all its attributes and adds it to the head of the iframed page
Here's the code:
function styleMe() { if( && != document.location.href) { // I'm small but I'm not alone // all parent's <link>s var linkrels ='link'); // my head var small_head = document.getElementsByTagName('head').item(0); // loop through parent's links for (var i = 0, max = linkrels.length; i < max; i++) { // are they stylesheets if (linkrels[i].rel && linkrels[i].rel == 'stylesheet') { // create new element and copy all attributes var thestyle = document.createElement('link'); var attrib = linkrels[i].attributes; for (var j = 0, attribmax = attrib.length; j < attribmax; j++) { thestyle.setAttribute(attrib[j].nodeName, attrib[j].nodeValue); } // add the newly created element to the head small_head.appendChild(thestyle); } } // maybe, only maybe, here we should remove the kid's own styles... } else { alert('I hate to tell you that, but you are an orphant :( '); } }
To see the code in action, see big.html.
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