Opera 12 wins - the first stable desktop browser to ship getUserMedia()
. I believe they had shipped it already in a mobile version of the browser.
(I'll need to fix my example from last night because Chrome Canary uses webkitGetUserMedia and also uses a stream URL to assign to video element's src)
You can start playing with it right now in Opera, no need to install nightly versions and enable secret flags. Here's how:
1. Install Opera
2. Load any page
3. Press Command + Alt + I (on a Mac) to bring the Dragonfly console (like Firebug)
4. Type:
document.body.innerHTML = '<video autoplay>';
and then
navigator.getUserMedia( {video:true}, function(stream){document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0].src = stream} )
This is it, enjoy 🙂
Ever so slightly disappointed that {audio: true} gives a "not supported" error
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