So what I’ve been up to recently? Having a bit of a break, I guess. First, I’m not currently writing a book, after the last one for which I completed my chapter back in June. That’s some free time (There is a very exciting book project on the horizon though, we’ll see). Then, I’m not […]
Archive for the 'SAP' Category
ABAP code syntax highlighting
Sep 19th, 2006Just finished and eager to share – I added a new syntax definition to the Text_Highlighter PEAR package (see also here). It’s for highlighting code written in the SAP’s own ABAP programming language. A live demo is available at the site, just pick ABAP from the drop-down of programming languages. Any feedback is appreciated, […]
SAP container for PEAR::Auth
Sep 1st, 2006PEAR::Auth is a package that allows you to abstract the user authentication from the main part of your application and not worry about it. What is good about the package is that it comes with different “containers” that allows you to authenticate users against different storages, I mean you can store users data in a […]