Archive for the 'phpBB' Category

phpBB front-end optimization – 1 hour workshop

Jul 13th, 2007

Let’s go ahead and optimize our phpBB installation for front-end performance. I’ll follow Yahoo’s 14 optimization rules, but only implement the ones that apply for phpBB. During this short workshop there will be no changes to the phpBB code, we’ll create a new template instead, so that in case something bad happens, your board will […]


Check/toggle ’em all

Feb 10th, 2007

Recently I decided to clean up all the spam from an abandoned phpBB forum of mine, there was a lot to delete. In the phpBB version that I use there is no option to “check all” topics you want to moderate. So I came up with a little bookmarklet to do this for me. Here […] updated

Sep 9th, 2006

Following from here, I’m proud to announce an update to With two custom renderers for Text_Highlighter, the service now offers you: – BB code for your source, so you can post beautiful code to bulletin boards and others that use BB code for formatting – simple HTML code – the formatting is using only […]


phpbb and security

Aug 31st, 2006

Man, do I have a lot of todos! I was going through my posting drafts on this blog and found this 1 year old piece (from Aug 10th, 2005). I remember I was responding to this blog posting, but at some point I desided that I don’t have the time to finish it, so I […]


Amazon Connect blog

May 22nd, 2006

Just finished setting up my Amazon Connect profile and posted one message to the blog Amazon create for you when you set your profile up. Here’s the blog. Amazon Connect is an initiative where book authors can post messages directly to their books pages. So my smiling face is exposed on Amazon now when you […]


Happy birthday and a new book

Mar 7th, 2006

phpbb-guide.jpgToday my blog turns 1 year, hence a few hiccups with the DNS change and the migration to a new server. To make up for the hiccups, I treated my little bloggie to a beautiful new theme. Also the second phpBB book was published.


phpBB old topics locker

Dec 9th, 2005

A quick way to auto lock topics with last reply older than a month (for example) in a phpBB forum.


The phpBB book is out

May 21st, 2005

phpBB book coverSince this monday (May 16th) the book I’ve been working on is now out! It’s pretty exciting … It’s a book about the open-source forum package phpBB. Read the post, then rush to Amazon…


Building Online Communities with phpBB – coming soon

May 10th, 2005

Good news today! I got an email from my editor saying that the phpBB book will be published soon. Yes, I’ve been working on a phpBB book for some time, it’s written and completed now and undergoing final proofreading. So it means that in a few weeks it will be published! It’s pretty exciting… Here’s […]


lat2cyr on

Mar 16th, 2005

Some time ago I’ve created a phpBB mod/hack to use on a bulletin board I manage. Recently I decided to make it available for anyone interested to install it on their boards. I’ve posted it some time ago on but it takes a while for the phpBB team to review all the mods/hacks they […]