Dustin Diaz has posted on his blogs (what's a blog? there were no blogs in good old web 1.0) "7 hottest web 1.0 techniques". While those are nice and highly recommended, let me in on a few little secrets.
1. script language=JavaScript
When including a script into a page, you need to specify the language. First of all there's also VBScript and we need to make a difference. Second, this is more future-proof - who knows what other scripting languages the future has in store for us.
Proper capitalization of JavaScript is crucial.
<script language=JavaScript>
2. Image rollovers
There's a better way to do rollovers - directly in the image tag! Shorter and more convenient - all the code is in one place. This makes it much, much more easier to code your CMS.
<img src=off.gif onmouseover='this.src="on.gif"' onmouseout='this.src="off.gif"'>
3. Link overline
OK, I didn't want to share this, because it's way too cool for just anyone to know, I should've kept it for myself.
a {text-decoration:none;} a:hover{border-top: 1px solid;}
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